State Board President-- Brad Scoffin
Vice President-- Lisa Stephens
Treasurer-- Kathy DeVries
Secretary-- Frank Cobb
Directors-- Haroon Bhatti, Wendell Brandt, Nicholas Kovach, Matt Robertson, Eric Seifert, Tanya Popov
President--Lisa Stephens
Vice President--Tanya Popov
Treasurer--Wendell Brandt
Secretary-- Nick Kovach
Directors-- Haroon Bhatti, Jim Jordan
Metro Chapter Meets on the First Thursday (Non-Holiday) of each month from 10:30am-2:00pm, with lunch included. Location: Rocky’s Northville 41122 W Seven Mile Rd, Northville, MI 48167.
MBBA Monthly meetings are restricted to members and invited guests only. If interested in attending please contact us about being a guest.
President-- Brad Scoffin
Vice President-- Matt Robertson
Treasurer-- Kathy DeVries
Secretary-- Larry Baumgart
Directors-- Jeff Hoag, Eric Seifert, Nathan Patterson, Don VanderZwaag, Tom Zant
West Chapter Meets in Grand Rapids at the Mercantile bank located at 310 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. on the SECOND TUESDAY (nonholiday) of each month at 12:00 P.M. (On Leonard, Just E. of US131, Exit 87). Meeting held off-site in July. Lunch provided.
MBBA Monthly meetings are restricted to members and invited guests only. If interested in attending please contact us about being a guest.